Configure how many engines will run when using a Taurus script (YAML)

The locations_weighted parameter in your Taurus configuration file (yml) determines how many engines are allocated to run a test and how the Concurrency is spread over these engines.

  • Specify locations-weighted: false to start the given number of machines at each location and spread the load over these engines pro ratio.

  • If locations-weighted is not specified or is set to true, the amount specified for each location is only used to calculate the percentage of the concurrency to run at that location.

Example 1

Running 20 users using locations-weighted: false and 2 locations.

The result is 20 users running on 5 different engines: 3 from us-central1-a and 2 from us-east-1.

Each engine will run 4 virtual users, since we have 20 users divided into 5 engines.

concurrency: 20
  us-central1-a: 3
  us-east-1: 2 
locations-weighted: false

Example 2

Running 20 users without specifying the locations-weighted field and 2 locations.

The result is 20 users running on 2 different engines: 3/5 of the users (12 users) will run from us-central1-a. 2/5 of the users (8 users) will run from us-east-1.

As the BlazeMeter default value allows up to 500 virtual users per engine, this example will run 1 engine per location, and a total of 2 engines for the test.

concurrency: 20
  us-central1-a: 3
  us-east-1: 2

Example 3

Running 20 users without specifying the locations-weighted field and 1 location.

The result is 20 users running on 1 location.

As the BlazeMeter default value allows up to 500 virtual users per engine, this example will run 1 engine per location, and a total of 1 engines for the test.

concurrency: 20
  us-central1-a: 3

Example 4

Running 20 users using locations-weighted: false and 1 location.

The result is 20 users running on 2 different engines, both of them from us-central1-a.

Each engine will run 10 virtual users, since we have 20 users divided into 2 engines.

concurrency: 20
  us-central1-a: 2
locations-weighted: false