How to Resolve Errors in the ShiftLeft Converter

When using the ShiftLeft Converter, occasionally an error message will appear after you uploaded your LoadRunner script, which will look like this,

In this case, here are our top recommendations: 

  • Always check that your folder contains the LoadRunner script and relevant files in the *.ZIP file.
  • Review the list of supported files and functions in this KB article.

Now, here are a few error messages that you may receive when getting the error message above,

    • vuser_end.c ;
      • Message: Looks like you are missing a file on your .ZIP!
      • Solution: Try adding <vuser_end.c> to your Load Runner script folder
    • *.DAT files ;
      • Message: There were some <*.DAT> files missing from the original script. In order to complete the conversion, we created these files as empty CSVs.
      • Solution: You can fill these CSVs with data from the original <*.DAT> files or add them to the <*.ZIP> folder file, and upload it again. Missing files: <MyDataFile.dat'>.
    • *.USR
      • Message: We had troubles locating a file.
      • Solution 1: Make sure you're uploading the correct script with .USR format. Also make sure that the script is not inside various folders.
      • Solution 2: Verify that the LoadRunner script is not already compressed before saving it in ZIP file format. This means the .CPGZ format is not supported. Also make sure that the script is not inside various folders.
    • No Files found.
      • Message: No such file or directory: ''
      • Solution: The folder that was in the Zip file is either empty or missing LoadRunner scripts.
    • Java file not supported
      • Message: Your LoadRunner script was created as a Java file that is not currently supported.
      • Solution: Save your scenario in < *.C, *.DAT> formats, and upload your zipped folder once more.
    • File is too large
      • Message: File is too large.
      • Solution: Check your zipped folder, ensure that the ZIP file is less than 30 MB, and upload it to the Script Converter once more.

As always, for any issues that you may experience in this feature, please contact