Chrome Extension - Changelog

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 6.4.0 2023-02-19

- Upgrade: upgraded js-yaml to version 3.13.1 to fix vulnerability
- Upgrade: upgraded jsoneditor to version 9.5.6 to fix vulnerability

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 6.3.0 2023-02-12

- Upgrade: upgraded lodash to version 4.17.21
- Add: support for "publish" and "unpublish" actions
- Update: ability to read changelog from

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 6.1.0 2023-11-06

- Add: support for "Loop Over Data" flow operator
- Upgrade: jQuery and jQuery UI libraries
- Fix: issue with input type password

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 6.0.0 2023-07-14

- Fix: Object Picker Issue
- Remove: Selenium option from Edit button dropdown
- Upgrade: from manifest 2.0 to manifest 3.0

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 5.5.0 2022-12-22

- Add: new XPath locators that rely on visible content
- Fix: click action sequence

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 5.4.0 2022-10-25

- Add: TypeSecret action

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 5.3.0 2022-04-29

- Fix: scrollbar display in Advanced Options

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 5.2.0 2022-04-01

- Upgrade: jQuery and jQuery UI libraries
- Fix: issue with blank popup window

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 5.1.0 2022-02-18

- Remove: "API Functional" type of test

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 5.0.0 2021-11-26

- Change: Perforce rebranding
- Fix: iframes order when recording
- Fix: same-origin errors when handling iframe locators

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.25.0 2021-10-15

- Remove: 'blazeGrid' field from resulting YAML file

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.24.0 2021-10-01

- Add: support for recording iframe selectors
- Add: ability to specify selectors for switchFrame action

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.23.0 2021-09-20

- Fix: issues with SAP Fiori applications when the extension is enabled

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.22.0 2021-08-20

- Fix: variable expansion for "Keys" action
- Fix: issue with creating a test on Private Cloud
- Change: Empty page update when recording is started from Scriptless

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.21.0 2021-06-25

- Change: initial page when starting recording from Scriptless

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.20.0 2021-06-11

- Fix: issue with forEach action stepping
- Upate: Improvements for "Start recording from Scriptless Editor" functionality

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.19.0 2021-05-27

- Fix: variable cleanup when test is stopped
- Add: support for starting recording from the Scriptless UI

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.18.0 2021-04-30

- Fix: issue with execution of empty scenario section
- Fix: failure when a child locator finds more than one element
- Fix: error messages displayed when child elements can't be found

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.17.0 2021-04-19

- Change: recording of dialogs to support answerDialog and assertDialog actions
- Fix: issue with saving all types of scripts at once
- Fix: issue with stuck replay window. This happened when execution was halted due to fail and later resumed after fixing the test.
- Fix: recording of SalesForce Lightning dropdown components

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.16.0 2021-04-04

- Fix: issue with missing method when recording authorization HTTP request

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.15.0 2021-03-05

- Fix: error message for shadow locator when element not found

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.14.0 2021-02-19

- Fix: JSON file incompatibility with converter service

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.13.0 2021-02-08

- Fix: issue with step buttons not working after "execute step" is used
- Fix: issue with type action in Web Components

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.12.0 2021-01-22

- Change: type action checks whether it is allowed to type into an element
- Fix: issue with debugger crash
- Add: option for disabling ID locators in a recording

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.11.0 2021-01-08

- Fix: issue with variable resolution when starting the debugger using "Step" buttons
- Add: logic for deprioritizing locators that contain dynamic parts

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.10.0 2020-12-11

- Fix: submit action
- Fix: failure when sending data
- Fix: failure message propagation
- Fix: variable resolution for empty strings and null values

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.9.13 2020-11-27

- Fix: select strategy to be aligned with Taurus

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.9.12 2020-11-16

- Add: support for the context click action
- Fix: JSON download failure in the HTTP editor

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.9.11, 2020-10-30

- Add: support for the Right-Click action
- Add: support of index and win_ser_name parameters in switchWindow command
- Remove: usage of deprecated methods
- Migrates recorder UI to React

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.9.10, 2020-10-16

- Fix: locators order when ID of the element starts with a digit
- Update: Enhances object picker to work with shadow DOM
- Fix: waitFor timeout handling
- Fix: waitFor clickable condition to check center of the element
- Fix: slider control record and replay for Lightning Web Components
- Fix: child objects support for XPath locators

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.9.9, 2020-10-02

- Add: option for wiping service workers
- Fix: recording issues when capturing shadow locators
- Fix: 'click' action bubbling when element is behind shadow DOM
- Fix: execution termination when Switch Frame action fails

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.9.8, 2020-09-21

- Add: support for multiple locators in Debug run
- Add: support for viewing and editing variables
- Fix: unwanted object highlight on BlazeMeter page
- Add: support for recording Lightning Web Components (Beta)

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.9.7, 2020-08-24

- Add: ability to cancel object picking
- Fix: for assertText not respecting visibility of elements
- Fix: test run redirection when delayed start is used
- Fix: tooltip in case of ForEach failure

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.9.6, 2020-08-10

- Fix: case sensitivity issue in the answerDialog action
- Add: option for controlling redirects capturing
- Add: support for child objects in forEach loops

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.9.5, 2020-07-13

- Add: multisession debug support
- Add: support for starting debug from "step" buttons

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.9.4, 2020-06-28

- Fix: debugger stepping mode
- Fix: new version check algorithm
- Add: Shadow locator support
- Change: GUI Functional test creation always has extended syntax
- Add: object highlight support

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.9.3, 2020-06-12

- Fix: 'Type' action for number fields
- Add: hot reload of debug model
- Add: Object Picker support

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.9.2, 2020-06-01

- Change: behavior of failure for remote debugger: playback is paused instead of being stopped and the replay window is preserved in the state of failure.
- Fix: commands serialization (MouseOver, MouseOut, StoreEval, AssertEval, AnswerDialog, AssertDialog, WaitFor)

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.9.1, 2020-05-16

This version introduces new features for functional testing and Scriptless testing and enhances remote debugging.

These features are accessible only to a select set of beta customers:

- Add: next step propagation when executing tests
- Add: Execute Step support

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.9.0, 2020-04-23

This version introduces new features for functional testing and Scriptless testing.

These features are accessible only to a select set of beta customers:

- Add: remote debugging experience
- Add: new commands support (WaitFor, StoreEval, AssertEval, AnswerDialog, AssertDialog)
- Add: "if/then/else" control block
- Add: "for" loop support
- Add: "foreach" loop support
- Fix: YAML serializer

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.8.1, 2020-01-21

- Fix: values escaping when creating YAML
- Fix: option values reset when "Custom Server Url" or "Custom ARD URL" is unchecked

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.8.0, 2019-12-13

- Add: support for multiple locators in Local Debug
- Add: support for multiple locators when generating YAML or running GUI Functional test
- Add: local debugging support from external source
- Add: screenshots capturing during recording
- Add: capturing of Page Title and Page URL metadata
- Add: capturing of additional metadata during recording
- Add: option for providing custom ARD server
- Add: export for other languages
- Add: resizeWindow and maximizeWindow function to selenium debugger
- Add: reset converter url and server url functionality

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.7.0, 2019-09-17

- Change: new version text message
- Add: GUI Functional (Selenium) to "Run" dropdown
- Remove: "Browser" option from "scenarios" section in YAML files
- Change: "Test step" to "Test case / Label" text in transaction popup
- Fix: exact locator for elements
- Change: default converter URL Change: from HTTP to HTTPS
- Fix: footer layout
- Fix: GUI Functional test validation
- Fix: opening new tab in selenium debugger

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.6.0, 2019-06-18

- Using uniform random timer for thinking time
- Add: DOM recording: record part of DOM (starting from element that user interacted with)
- Fix: debugger replay for email input
- Fix: response code assertion with custom requests to record
- Fix: hiding "Parallel Number of Downloads" dropdown when resetting options

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.5.1, 2019-04-10

- Fix: fetch response recording
- Fix: type in selenium yaml and combined yaml

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.5.0, 2019-03-21

- Add: Added assertions to JMeter scripts while recording! Text assertion and Response code assertion
- Add: update notification, an inline notification system that will let users know when a new version is available
- Deprecates "follow me" mode
- Bug fixes
-- Fix: updating test to API Functional Test and from API Functional Test to other type
-- Fix: Added hyphenation for Windows (yaml file) - minor bugfix
-- Fix: Added list format for execution (yaml file) - minor bugfix

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.4.0, 2019-01-14

- Add: ability to split Selenium recording into test cases. Transactions are recorded as flow markers in Selenium scripts.
- Fix: splitting popup window
- Fix: for pages with iframe in shadow dom
- Minor bug fixes.

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.3.0, 2018-11-20

- Change: Redesign of Selenium Debugger Popup
- Change: recording buttons logic in main popup
- Change: UI updates in main popup
- Change: UI updates in transaction popup
- Remove: logic of disabling Account popup
- Minor bug fixes.

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.2.0, 2018-10-19

- Redesign of UI
- Run Selenium and combined (JMeter & Selenium) scripts on BlazeMeter directly from Chrome extension
- Edit scripts of API Functional Tests that are created from Chrome extension directly in BlazeMeter's UI
- Distinct default names for different test types on BlazeMeter
- Excluding specific domains from recording (, chrome-extension://, chrome://extensions/)
- Minor bug fixes.

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.1.1, 2018-09-20

- Simplified configuration for running recorded tests on BlazeMeter - default values are used for load configuration (concurrency and location)
- Enhancements to recorded Selenium and combined JMeter & Selenium YAML files

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.1, 2018-09-03

- JMeter - "Run in BlazeMeter" creates new Taurus based test on BlazeMeter instead of legacy JMeter test
- Selenium - added support for multi tab recording
- Selenium - add "open" command as default first command
- Selenium - record "open" command when url (domain) is changing in tab
- "Edit and Run" section (JMeter and Selenium) are always visible
- "Domains To Follow" in main screen of "Follow Me" mode
- Bug fix "Record mode doesn't update existing test but just run previous one"
- Minor bug fixes:
- "Update Settings Before Running Test" action doesn't work
- Concurrency slider is disabled after selection/deselection "Run as API Functional Test" checkbox
- FollowMe mode UI: popup has blank place after opening "User Agent" dropdown
- Transaction popup: broken UI on some websites

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 4.0, 2018-06-18

- Functional test case record and playback capabilities
- Unification of single recording using both approaches, where test case can be downloaded as Selenium and/or JMeter.
- Added merged (2 in one) YAML scenarios enabling to run in parallel both Selenium and JMeter scripts.
- Unification of the actions "Record” and “Pause" using the same UI content/button.
- "Transactions Label" popup while recording is enabled always on top, and allows the user to add and edit test steps while recording.
- New debugger window allows running (playback) the Selenium recorded test case on the browser.
- You can add assertions based on the page's text to your Selenium steps by right click on them
- Debugger window allows to edit, add and remove commands, to locate HTML target elements, to add breakpoints and to adjust test running speed.
- Export to JMX is now in the "Downloading the recording" option
- Added a "Download Script" button that allows the user to choose between 3 options to download: Selenium (Taurus YAML), JMeter (JMX) and a fusion of both into a single YAML script. YAML scripts.
- Changed the HTTP editing option to the main panel, allowing the user to edit HTTP requests and also run them in BlazeMeter
- Context menu in recording allows recording specific actions on elements in Selenium Script only.
- Options around JMX generation and execution in BlazeMeter were moved to "Advanced Options" section (only in "Record" mode)
- Improved performance using local chrome storage mechanism.
- Minor bug fixes.

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 3.2.2, 2018-05-02

- Added URI.js library to parse query string into key => value
- Minor bug fixes.

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 3.2.1, 2018-04-09

- Using File Save As dialog when saving JSON or Taurus files from the editor
- Minor bug fixes.

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 3.2.0, 2018-03-02

- Transaction Labels Automatic mode: creates a new transaction for every user action
- Added a think-time property in Taurus export as equivalent to ConstantTimers in JMX
- Better classify AJAX requests
- Option to create tests as API Functional Test

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 3.1.0, December 2017

- Edit Transaction Labels (BETA): users can now create TransactionControllers labels as they record requests
- Parallel Number of Downloads now as select list: users can now select "Chrome" or "Firefox" instead of writing a number themselves.
- Parallel Number of Downloads is now moved under Only Top-Level Requests to make it clear its used only when this option is selected
- Max Parallel Number of Downloads increased to 17
- Removed Pace Interval Delay
- On Start Test removed booting screen, instead redirect the user on the web app

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 3.0.0, 2017-11-22

- New design
- Pace Interval Delay: users now have the option to set initial delay for first recording
- Parallel Number of Downloads: users can now set this value which will set same option in JMX
- Mark top level vs embedded requests in JSON exports (now JMX will not add Timers to embedded requests)
- Various bug fixes.

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 2.6.1, 2017-08-16

- Filter out recording only to focused tab
- Added chrome extension version in JSON
- Fixed bug in editor page where JSON didn't return the same result as JSON sent to converter
- Visually mark the error in Include filter pattern.

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 2.6.0, 2017-07-19

- Introduced support for BlazeMeter’s account entity feature: Ability to select where to save your tests (Account/Workspace/Project)
- Revamped design for Options page
- Removed Advanced Options and added Recording and Test Options
- Updated API: Now using v4 of BlazeMeter API instead of v2
- Optimized jQuery UI with build of selected components
- Replaced jQuery.tipsy library with jQuery UI tooltips
- Replaced jQuery UI autocomplete with jQuery.autocomplete library due to white space bug in Chrome extension popup:
- Fixed bug in Taurus export where name and concurrency where hard-coded instead of being taken from extension settings

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 2.5.2, 2017-06-12

- The converter's default domain changed to

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 2.5.1, 2017-04-25

- Measures Chrome extension version and BlazeMeter/Dynatrace users as GA dimension

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 2.5.0, 2017-04-03

- Replaced select lists with Chosen (
- Replaced User Agent list with newer list with much more options (
- Updated to jQuery 3.1.1
- Updated to jQuery UI 1.12.1
- Updated to JSONEditor 5.5.11
- Added GoogleAnalytics for tracking error events and exceptions
- Rewrote CSS for Editor page
- Added regex validation on Include Filter Pattern based on Chrome match patterns
- Added UnitTests using Tape and Browserify
- Uses v2 instead of "latest" BlazeMeter API
- Fixed incognito mode issues
- Switched all variables to use instead of localStorage
- Enabled storage.sync meaning if you user opens extension on another PC with same Chrome credentials they will get their settings.
- ESLint coding standards
- Replace: DOM functions with jQuery

BlazeMeter Chrome extension 2.4.2, 2017-03-20

- Fixed export JMX in incognito mode