Making Use of Your API Monitoring Trial Plan

When you sign up for a BlazeMeter account, you will be given a 14-day free trial to discover all functions that the BlazeMeter platform has to offer.

Specifically for API Monitoring, the Trial plan comes with a number of paid and/or Enterprise-grade features.

Note that a number of of these features will be disabled at the end of your trial period. See the following comparison table for details.

Trial vs Free Plan Comparison

Feature Trial plan Free plan What happens after trial period
Number of requests 100,000 25,000 Reduction in request limit per billing period.
Number of team members 6 1 Team members (except team owner) can no longer create tests.
Number of buckets 10 5 While existing buckets will still be available, you cannot add or create more buckets.
SAML/SSO Not available Not available Needs a qualifying plan.
Scheduled tests Available Not available Scheduled tests will not run after reaching the maximum request limit (25,000).
Trigger URLs Available Not available Needs a qualifying plan.
Test revisions Available Not available Needs a qualifying plan.
Client certificates Available Not available Needs a qualifying plan.
On-premises Radar Agent Available (19 locations) Limited (8 locations) For more information on available locations, see Global Locations.
Detailed request/response timings Available Not available Needs a qualifying plan.
Custom script libraries and snippets Available Not available File library, scripts and snippets options will no longer be available.
Splunk cloud integration Not available Not available Needs a qualifying plan.