Auto-Restart Radar Agent on Linux

This article provides instructions on how to automatically restart Radar agent services, when a reboot occurs across the Linux machine or server where the agent is running.

This method uses Linux services framework and treats the Radar agent as a system service.

To set up auto-restart of your Radar agent:

  1. Download the radar agent binary.

  2. Unzip the binary file.

  3. Create a configuration file with all the required token, team ID and other configs. For more information and example, see Radar Agent Overview.

  4. Create a service file in /etc/systemd/system/ with a name like radar-agent.service

  5. Include the following content in the service file. Include the path to the config file (/root/myconf.conf).

    Description=radar agent
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/runscope-radar -f /root/myconf.conf
  6. Give 644 permission to the service file:

    chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/radar-agent.service
  7. Reload the daemon:

    systemctl daemon-reload
  8. Start the agent:

    systemctl start radar-agent.service
  9. Check the status of agent:

    systemctl status radar-agent.service
  10. Enable the service:

    systemctl enable radar-agent.service