Debugging Scriptless GUI Functional Tests: Best Practices

By Alex Page and Mimi Benach


The aim of this guide is to provide guidance on how to debug errors encountered during testing with BlazeMeter Scriptless. The Scriptless editor lets you easily create and execute GUI Functional tests without coding. You can record tests using the BlazeMeter Chrome Extension, or create them directly on the BlazeMeter Cloud platform.

There are several ways to debug tests within BlazeMeter, through the BlazeMeter Recorder Chrome Extension, through the debugger built into the BlazeMeter platform, and through the test execution report results. We will go through each of these in this guide.

Common errors in BlazeMeter tests can be in the following categories:

  1. Errors with test execution - The test doesn't execute at all, no results are returned (empty report), unavailable infrastructure to run the tests
  2. Issues with locating elements - An Object (a.k.a. element) cannot be found on a page, locators are incorrectly defined
  3. Errors with test data - Problems with the CSV file structure or definition, data referenced but not properly defined, variables not properly being referenced (syntax)
  4. Errors due to test definition - Issues executing custom code which is malformed, issues interacting with a dialog window that hasn’t appeared yet, etc.
  5. Assertions/Test Failures - Assertions fail because the application is not working as it should (this means, the test discovered a bug!)

Errors With Test Execution

BlazeMeter uses container-based test execution engines to run the tests. These executors are spun up at the execution of each test, and destroyed upon completion. This means that every test runs on a clean browser image - there is nothing in the browser cache at the start of each test. It also means that the test execution engines will not have any remembered (cached) login information, nor is the execution engine running as a logged-in user on a network.

For instance, if NTLM authentication is used (which relies on a user being logged in to Windows as an AD user), an alternative authentication mechanism is needed, since the OPLs from where your tests run are not on a Windows machine logged-in as a specific AD user.

Test executions can be either cloud based, Private Location based, or locally executed. Private Locations are run behind your corporate firewall and assigned to Workspaces. BlazeMeter’s default behavior is to run a test against an execution engine in the cloud, unless you configure the test explicitly to run on a Private Location. Regardless of the Location defined in the test (cloud or Private Location), you can always use the built-in test debugger to locally run the test on your machine for a quick feedback loop and the ability to step through your test with breakpoints, etc.

If your test failed to run:

  1. Ensure you are in the correct BlazeMeter Account and Workspace
  2. If your application under test is behind the corporate firewall, make sure the test is configured to run on a Private Location which can access your application.
    If the cloud engines have been allowlisted by your organization, then they may be able to access your application - verify this with your sys admins.
  3. Before running a test, ensure you have set the test execution Location in the test Configuration (located below the test steps editor):
    location selection menu
  4. Verify that you have selected the appropriate browsers and versions for the test execution in the test Configuration.
    You can define multiple entries for the same browser with different versions
    the browser selection menu
  5. Verify the status of the Private Location, if you are using one.
  6. Verify network connectivity, if you are executing tests in the public cloud.

  • If the application instance which you are trying to test is not accessible outside your company network (intranet only), the cloud engines cannot reach your application.
  • In order to view the status of your Private Location, open the Settings (the cog icon in the top right of the web UI), expand the Workspaces section in the left side menu, click Private Locations, and choose your Private Location. The "Agents" section displays the running engines which are being used for current test executions, allowing you to determine if all engines are busy or not.

    the private loations window showing details of a running agent

You can determine the number of running sessions on a given Private Location (harbor), for a given ship, by using the following Blaze API call:

GET /private-locations/${harborId}/servers/${shipId}

In the result, get the length of the result.containerStatuses attribute to obtain the number of running sessions. You could aggregate the results of all Agents (if there are more than one) under a given Private Location (harbor) to get the full count for a given Private Location.

Debugging Using the Local Debug Option on the BlazeMeter Platform

For the official documentation of this feature, see Debugging Scriptless GUI Functional Tests.

The local debugger is a great option for debugging a test on the BlazeMeter platform. It will run the Scriptless test locally on your machine. Once you have a test created or imported, the Debug option is available. Toggle the Debug switch at the top of the test Configuration page to turn on the debugger.

the local debugger in the Scriptless Test Definition

The local debugger allows you to Play, Stop, Step Into, Step Over, and Step Out.

the local debugger's Play, Stop, Step Into, Step Over, and Step Out buttons

  • Play - Start or Resume the test
  • Stop - Halt the test execution
  • Step In - Step into the group, loop, or if/else block, and pause again, OR if the next step is a normal test step, this will simply execute the next step and pause again
  • Step Over - Execute the group, loop, or if/else block, and pause again
  • Step Out - Step out of the current group, loop, or if/else block, and pause again

Each individual test step has debugging options specific to that particular step. Toggle Breakpoint, Execute Step and Disable Scenario Step are available as far as step-level debugging options, and these will be displayed when you have Debug mode enabled (otherwise, you won’t see them) and are hovering over an individual step.

the Toggle Breakpoint, Execute Step, and Disable Scenario Step inline buttons in the local debugger

  • Disable Scenario Step - Can be used to skip over test steps that are working correctly and are not required for the execution of the failed test step.
  • Toggle Breakpoint - Can be used to mark a given step such that during Local Debug execution it will pause once it gets to that step until you manually resume the test (by pressing Play).
  • Execute Step - Will immediately execute the selected step. This allows you to move the current execution ahead of where it currently is (thus skipping steps) which can be very useful. Once you use this option to execute a given step, you can then press the Play button at the top and the test will resume executing right after the step you just manually executed.

When Local Debug is enabled, test steps now have the additional context options described above:

test definition with debugger enabled

To start debugging, simply hit the Play button once you have enabled the Debug toggle. After enabling the Debug toggle, you can first set breakpoints at individual test steps where you want the execution to pause. Once you have set the breakpoints you want, simply hit the Play button. The debugger will pause on the first breakpoint it gets to, and wait until you resume playback (again, via the Play button).

Local Debug execution currently paused on a breakpoint:

test definition with debugger paused

Notice the black arrow on the right of the test step, which denotes the debug execution is currently paused on that step. To resume, you can simply press play - or you can use any of the "Step..." buttons (for example, Step Over).

A useful workflow for debugging a wide variety of issues is to set breakpoints at points in the test where it may be useful to examine the state of the page via Chrome Dev Tools. When the debugger is paused on your breakpoint, you are free to switch to the window where the test is being executed, press F12 to open dev tools, and then inspect the HTML on the Elements tab, and utilize the Console to execute Javascript commands. The former is a good way to debug issues with element locators, and the latter is a good way to validate custom code snippets work as intended in the exact place where they would be executed during the test (see "Debugging Custom Code Snippets" section for details).

Debugging Failed Reports on BlazeMeter

When a test is executed on the BlazeMeter platform, a report is created that indicates the results of the test execution. The results will show whether the test passed or failed. They can also show broken or undefined, if there was an issue running the test itself. For more details on the test status, see Test Result Meanings.

To find out why a test failed, click on the details tab. The right hand pane shows the steps executed for the test. The failure reason will be flagged in a banner at the top.

report with warning abot a failed step

Clicking on the error moves to the step where the error failed, and moves the test video to the location of the error. This lets you see what is happening on the application at the moment of the error. You can verify whether all of the expected elements are loaded and available on the page.

report with failed step highlighted

Sometimes there will not be enough information to know why the test failed. In this case, it is helpful to check the available logs. Go to the Advanced Logs section by performing the following steps:

  1. Go to your test execution result/report missing data or with an error.
    You must be on the report page of a test or you will not have the option to view these advanced logs!
  2. Open the Reports dropdown (top menu bar) and choose Show all reports.
  3. In the left bottom corner under Sessions, select the session listed for your report (it will be the one with your test name).
  4. Switch to Logs tab.
  5. Select bzt.log from the Log dropdown.
  6. Search for errors.

You can use Ctrl+F and search for "error", or manually scroll through the log, or download the and view the aperitif.out log file.

finding the error line in the log

If nothing is shown there, check the other files' logs next - switch to the Selenium session logs and view the driver logs.

Sometimes these errors will reveal an issue in the definition of your test. If it still seems like the issue is platform-related then it may be time to submit a support request. When reporting an issue, including any errors from these logs is imperative. You can download the entire log files and submit as an attachment to the ticket.

Debugging Custom Code Snippets

  1. Always author custom code snippets in an IDE like VSCode.
  2. Once the snippet is to your liking, try running it in the Chrome DevTools console by pressing F12, going to Console tab, and then entering your code line by line and executing it against the live page to ensure it works as intended.
    For in depth tutorial on this, refer to:
  3. Once it works as intended, paste it into a custom code action (Script Eval, Store Eval, or Assert Eval) in your test on BlazeMeter.

Debugger Says "Sending Data Failed" When Exporting a Recording to BlazeMeter

When you are trying to export a recording from the extension to BlazeMeter, you may sometimes see the "Sending Data Failed" error if a problem occurred during the export. Please follow the below steps if this occurs:

  1. Ensure you have the correct Account/Workspace/Project defined as the export location in the Extension:

    the default project option in the Chrome Extension —> a customized account, workspace, and project in the Chrome Extension

  2. If you belong to multiple BlazeMeter Accounts, and are trying to export to an Account that does not have the Scriptless feature enabled, this can cause this error or lead to issues when you try to view or execute the test.
  3. If you still receive the error and your Account settings are correct, further investigation by the Support team will be required. Please perform the following steps to collect useful information as to what caused the error:
    1. Go to Chrome Extensions (paste "chrome://extensions/" into the address bar of Chrome).
    2. Click the "Details" button on the BlazeMeter tile.
    3. Ensure "Developer Mode" is toggled on (located on top right corner).
    4. Click "background page" under ‘Inspect Views’.

      how to inspect views

      This will open a new window.

    5. Click the "Network" tab.
    6. Try to perform the same export that you did before (which should result in the same error).
    7. Go back to the new window, and in the "Network" tab you should see several error entries which have red text.
    8. Click on the error entries and copy and paste the details (populated on the right) into a Support Ticket.
    9. Additionally, in the Chrome Extension, click Edit > Selenium, then click the "Save" button and attach the downloaded JSON to the same support ticket

Cached Login Credentials Resulting in Inconsistent Executions

Local browser caching can result in login steps not being required during subsequent local debug executions since the authorization credentials are stored in your browser cache after the first login. This can adversely affect test executions because the test will try to perform the Login steps, but if the application skips the login page because credentials are cached, then the test will fail because it cannot perform the login steps (since a login page never showed up).

Also when you record the test locally, you may already be logged in to an application so it doesn’t prompt you to login. Then when you run that test on a Private Location, it will fail because the first thing that happens is the remote executor is prompted with a login page, but there were no login steps recorded when you recorded locally so it will fail at this point.

Below are the best practices for solving this particular issue:

  • Always log out first before recording locally so that your login steps are also recorded.
  • Work around playback issues with login/auth caching during Local Debug: When the login steps fail because BlazeMeter is trying to log in during local execution, but the application skips the login page entirely, because your login credentials/authorization are cached, press "Execute step" (Play icon button) on the first step after the login steps. Then press the Play button at the top next to the "Debug" label, and the debugger will resume playback at that point. Alternatively you can mark the Login steps as "Disable Step" so that those steps do not execute during local debug playback.
    This way the test is still defined with the login steps, which would be required every time during Private Location/Cloud (non-local-debug) execution, and you can simply skip them during the Local Debug playback
  • An even more elegant solution which requires no manual intervention would be to make a Group which has an If/Else Action that handles both scenarios: [if] you were already logged in, do nothing, or [else] you were not logged in, so enter credentials and submit login form. See an example of this in the following scenario and screenshot:
    • That way the test will run locally whether your credentials were cached or not, and still run successfully on a Private Location where there is no cache
    • Note the Store Eval action which is evaluating some JavaScript to determine if we are at the login page or not. In this example, the text "login" is in the URL when at the login page, so my custom code action was:
      (window.location.href.indexOf("login") != -1)+"";
      Note: Currently, If/Else conditions must be defined as "string" [operator] "string". This is why in the above code snippet there is an empty string appended (this converts true - which is a boolean - to "true" - which is a string. That is also why the condition statement has the Taurus variable wrapped in double quotes:
      Note: The Else body does not contain any Actions, because if we are already logged in then we simply want to proceed to the part of the test after the login steps.

      using an if-then-else action to resolve login issues

SwitchFrame Parameters

SwitchFrame command is used to switch between different frames (for example, iframes) on a given page. Nested frames can be complex to navigate from a test automation perspective, and in some cases it may be necessary to define the switching of frames yourself by making use of the different parameters you can provide to the SwitchFrame command, as described below:

  • "relative=top" - Switches Webdriver context to the main page. This is usually performed when you’re done with actions inside the frame and you need to switch back to the root page (which is sometimes called "default content").
  • "relative=parent" - Switches 1 level up, either from nested frame to parent frame, or from frame to root page ("default content")
  • "index=0" - Switches to the first frame from the context you are currently in. For example, if the page has 3 frames, you’ll be switched to the first one. Or if you are already in frame, then you’ll be switched to the first frame inside this frame (which would be a nested frame)
  • "index=n" - Switches to nth frame

It may be useful to record a test with the recorder, debug the test via the recorder, and ensure the frame traversal is occurring properly. In some cases, there can be issues related to actions being performed too quickly in the test which can confuse the application under test and result in frames not being traversed to when they should be.

In these cases, you may need to introduce Pause actions for a few seconds between the triggering action (which causes frame to open and be traversed to) and the SwitchFrame action. Additionally, in some rare cases you may need to alter the SwitchFrame parameters (from what the recorder generated) in order to effect the desired frame traversal behavior in your test - although this is very rare as the recorder almost always captures the SwitchFrame parameters accurately.

Test Result Meanings

Once finished executing, tests will have one of the following four statuses indicating the result of the test:

the color legend for Passed, Failed, Broken, and Undefined states

Pass: pass icon

The test executed to completion with no issues, and all Assertions (if any were defined) passed.

Broken: broken icon

This status is received when an exception occurs during the test execution. For example, NoSuchElement is an example of a common exception and the first course of action should be to validate that the element’s locators are valid and that the element is in fact present on the page at this point in the test. Other exception types should also be investigated.

Fail: fail button

When an Assertion within a test has failed. Usually indicates that the application under test may have an issue, or that the Assertion was improperly defined.

Undefined: undefined button

This status occurs when a test didn’t (or couldn’t) report its status.

For example, the error occurred before the test has started (CSV parsing, and so on). Or the Private Location image with browser driver shut down unexpectedly. There are a wide variety of potential causes for Undefined status, but many of them stem from causes not related to the way the test is configured - but rather due to execution engine issues.

Important Considerations

  • The Debugger uses native JavaScript executed against the browser as its mechanism for page interaction, while the Private Location executors are using actual Selenium - this may result in some differences or inconsistencies between debugger/Private Location/cloud execution.
    • Please report any inconsistencies so we may continue unifying the two mechanisms.
  • As the Test Report becomes more closely aligned to the Scriptless Actions of your test, it will become even more important to have important/critical steps labeled with a description, Objects named properly, and test steps organized via Scenario Sections with descriptive names.
    • Abiding by this best practice will allow you to more easily correlate the test steps of a given execution report to that of your test config/definition.
