Find Test Data (TDM Find & Reserve Model Integration)

BlazeMeter offers an integration for Test Data Manager (TDM). Test Data Engineers use the TDM portal to create data models that let Testers search for data that matches specific requirements across distributed data sources.

If you are a TDM user and you previously exported test data into CSV files to use it with BlazeMeter, BlazeMeter's TDM Integration lets you connect to your data sources directly, using your existing TDM Find & Reserve Models.

BlazeMeter requires a Test Data Manager (TDM) server for this integration. Before you can load data from your TDM server, you must set up your TDM connection.

This article covers the following procedures and concepts:


For more detailed information on TDM Find & Reserve Models, see Create and Edit a Find & Reserve Model in the TDM documentation.

  1. Using the TDM Portal, a DBA creates models that expose relevant parts of a database schema to Testers.
  2. In the TDM Portal, the DBA can choose to expose tables under more user-friendly names, or provide fixed filter values by enabling the Display as Dropdown Menu option for a column.
  3. Testers then use these database models in TDM, or BlazeMeter, to find test data.

Supported TDM Features

  • The BlazeMeter integration does not support TDM's Legacy Find & Reserve Models. Unsupported models are not listed in the Find & Reserve window in BlazeMeter.
  • The BlazeMeter integration does not reserve data; please keep using the TDM Portal to reserve data.
  • BlazeMeter web interface does not include an editor for Find & Reserve Models; please keep using the TDM Portal to create models.

How to Find Data

  1. Open a GUI Functional or Performance Test and click Test Data.
    The Test Data pane opens on the right-hand side.
  2. Click the Plus button, and select TDM Find & Reserve Model.
    The Select TDM Find & Reserve Model screen opens.
    1. Select a TDM Server and a Project and version.
      BlazeMeter lists available models.
    2. Select an Environment
    3. Select one or more models.
    4. Click Add.
      The chosen Find & Reserve Models are attached to the test as Test Parameters and you return to the Test Data pane.
  3. (Optional) Filter results by creating data finding queries.
  4. (Optional) Click Preview F&R Model Values (the eye icon) in the header of the F&R Model to preview all values, then click Close.
  5. (Optional) Click Iterations if you want more than one test run.
    1. Configure iteration settings: If you choose the All rows from this CSV or F&R Model run option, select a TDM Find & Reserve Model as source.
    2. Preview the data that will be used across iterations.
    3. Click Save.
  6. Click Copy Parameter Name to Clipboard next to a parameter.
  7. Return to the test scenario, and replace the respective static value by pasting the data parameter.

What are Locked and Unlocked Parameters?

After you attach a Find & Reserve Model to a test, you notice that F&R parameters display either a locked or an unlocked symbol.
locked and unlocked parameters

Unlocked Parameters:

  • An unlocked symbol means that you can filter the query results that the TDM database returns.
  • An orange bar in front of an unlocked parameter indicates that this parameter has a custom filter applied.

Locked Parameters:

  • A locked symbol means that you cannot filter this TDM search query any further. The parameter returns one set of data that was defined in the F&R model in the TDM portal.
  • If you need to filter a locked query, reconfigure the F&R model in the TDM portal.

The symbols help you analyze queries in cases where unexpected data or no data is returned: For example, the database associated with a locked query may be empty, or the custom filter associated with an unlocked query may not match any values.

Filter Results by Creating Data Finding Queries

You can define filters for unlocked F&R Model parameters to control which data will be used. In the Test Data pane, click the combo box next to an unlocked F&R Model parameter to select values or operators.

The available filters depend on the data type:

  • For fixed lists, select one or more desired filter values from a dropdown menu.
    A DBA controls this behavior in the TDM Portal by enabling the Display as Dropdown Menu option when editing columns in your Find & Reserve model.
  • For text, select a text operator and define the desired filter values.
    • contains value
    • starts with value
    • ends with value
    • equal to
  • For numbers, select a numeric operator and define the desired filter values.
    • equal to
    • less than or equal to
    • greater than or equal to
    • number between (inclusive)
  • For dates, select a date operator and define the desired filter values.
    • equal to
    • less than or equal to
    • greater than or equal to
    • date between (inclusive)
  • All data types additionally support the following operators:
    • is null
    • is not null

After you have created a F&R query, the data parameter is now limited to return the filtered values in its iterations. Parameters with custom filters are marked with an orange bar.

An asterisk * character in a filter means that no custom filter is active. For example, Persons.City=* means that all cities are returned from the database.

When you need to reset a filter, click the Cross button.